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Showing posts from November, 2011

Howto Google plus to Twitter

Finding it a hassle to head over to Twitter and post the same thing you've just posted on your favorite site Google+? We've just discovered a great service that does this for you with the minimum of effort. Head over to  and you'll be able to easily connect up your Plus and T witter accounts.

Websites banned in the world

According to the recent World Information Access report, since 2003, “64 citizens unaffiliated with news organizations have been arrested for their blogging activities”. But it’s not just individual bloggers who are under threat. There have been numerous attempts by governments to censor social media sites. Using IBM’s ManyEyes tool, we’ve created a map of the most censored websites around the world. You can find the World Information Access report here [PDF] [ via ] Unfortunately, this list is probably only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the reports of censorship are based on stories by major news outlets. If we have missed any sites or countries then please leave a link in the comments section to an article with more details so we can update the map. Also, please feel free to embed the map on your own site. You don’t need to attribute a link to this site, but it would be nice if you could link to one of the following sites: committeeto...

Lessons for Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Oakland protesters march near the Oakland City Hall on Oct. 25. Photograph by Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images. Last week, the Occupy Wall Street movement entered a new phase. For its first few months, Occupy was all about message, the 99 percent taking a tentative stand against the 1 percent. Now, the on-the-ground challenges of sustaining such a movement over the long term have begun to take center stage. The freak East Coast snowstorm answered one challenge question a few weeks early: What will happen to the encampments when the weather turns cold? Apparently they will stay. More ominously, protesters in many cities now face the prospect of sustained police crackdowns, from the hassles of permitting and noise ordinances to the violence that erupted last week in Oakland. There, police used tear gas, flash grenades, and rubber bullets to attack protesters near city hall. One of those bullets fractured the skull of Iraq war ...

Grittier Version Of Ghostbusters Coming Whether You Like It Or Not

The cliche about pitching a movie is that you describe it as two movies put together-- "It's Titanic meets A Beautiful Mind !"-- or a slightly tweaked version of something people already like -- "it's Gone With the Wind , but with dogs!" This tactic works, but there are times when there are two ideas that simply can't be mashed together and taken seriously. Like "gritty Ghostbusters," for example. And yet, that's the exact description being thrown around for Spectral , a supernatural action project recently picked up by Legendary Pictures. According to THR the company picked up the project from writer Ian Fried, who wrote a treatment and a "rip reel" that, in true pitch form, showed clips from other movies that would give Legendary a sense of what they were buying. I told you that strategy works! The story follows a "modern-day, militaristic and gritty approach to fighting the supernatural," and somehow a...

If it also can charge underwater I'll buy that phone and place it in a glass on my night table.

Hikers stranded near Everest

Hikers stranded near Everest, About 2,000 foreign hikers have been trapped in bad weather on the slopes of a mountain near Mount Everest in a remote corner of Nepal for the past four days, officials said on Friday. They have been forced to stay in the small hill resort of Lukla, the gateway to Mount Everest, which has been covered by thick clouds this week, forcing airlines to cancel flights to and from the remote region. Lukla, which lies at a height of 2,800 metres (9,186 feet), is located 125 km (78 miles) northeast of the Nepali capital. Tens of thousands of trekkers and climbers visit the Solukhumbu region in northeast Nepal, home to Mount Everest, every year. Many start and end their trek from the windswept resort where a small airstrip is carved into the rugged mountainside. Utsav Raj Kharel, chief of Lukla's Tenzing Hillary Airport, said tourists, who were not in physical danger, had been waiting for their flights back to Kathmandu for the past four day...

Mercedes mows down Occupy protestors

Where's the mayor of Vilnius when you need him? This video shows a Mercedes nearly hitting two Occupy Oakland protestors at slow speed as they cross the street, causing one of them to first make a "stop" motion and then bang twice on the hood -- at which point the driver decided to just run them over at fast speed. The Mercedes driver got off with a warning, by the way. Oh, cars, you are truly the 1% of the roads.

#OccupyOakland Teachers Gone Wild

It’s sad that teachers – who have such an influence over the future of America – where right in the mix when the riots and vandalism broke out Wednesday in Oakland, California.  Obviously that’s where their hearts are at. Trouble was brewing when the Oakland Education Association – an affiliate of the National Education Association – endorsed the #Occupy mob’s call for a national strike on Nov. 2.  One declaration from the union stated, “We must shut down the schools to save the schools.” Huh?  Perhaps a more accurate statement would be, “We must shut down the schools to protect our pensions and power.” According to sources within the union, its leaders – including OEA President Betty Olson-Jones – were a part of the plotting to confront Bank of America, Whole Foods, and the sea port. Do the taxpayers or the media even care?  Or is this just how they roll in Oakland? Education Action Group reported in a recent “Focus on Reform” story: “Eve...

100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican

1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free. 3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy. 4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors. 5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it. 6. The Founding Fathers were liberals. 7. Fascism is a right-wing trait. 8. Sarah Palin is an ugly cow (said to conservative males). 9. The Earth is round. 10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President. 11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California. 12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. 13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control. 14. Global warming is real. 15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned. 16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget? 17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists. 18. Paying taxes is patriotic. 19. Republicans: Peddling the same f...

Photography From Satellite

This is really worthily to take a look of earth from space, some peoples have dream to go in space or on moon. But as you know its not so cheap its really so expensive and not affordable for normal peoples as you and me, its also mine dream to see all world and also want to look space. I have some pictures which should amaze you and increase more your interest to see earth from space or between the stars. Here we Presented pictures are real image of the Earth created by means of visible infra-red data in the range of colors perceived by human eye. There you can view the planet through the beautiful images taken by the Landsat-7 satellite. Here we have 25 best pictures which should inspire you.

Linux groups plead case prior to Windows 8 launch

Red Hat, Canonical and the Linux Foundation have laid out a set of recommendations for hardware vendors in hopes of preserving the ability to install Linux on Windows 8 machines. Windows 8 machines should ship in a setup mode giving users more control right off the bat, the groups argue. As we reported last month, Windows 8 computers that ship with UEFI secure booting enabled could make the task of replacing Windows with Linux or dual-booting the two operating systems more difficult. In order to get a “Designed for Windows 8” logo, PCs must ship with secure boot enabled, preventing the booting of operating systems that aren’t signed by a trusted Certificate Authority. Hardware vendors can give users the option of disabling the secure boot feature—but they could also decline to do so, making it impossible to run a non-Windows operating system. In practice, it seems unlikely that dual-boot scenarios will be prevented entirely, but Linux vendors and the Linux Foundati...

Insects are terrified of fish

ScienceDaily   — The mere presence of a predator causes enough stress to kill a dragonfly, even when the predator cannot actually get at its prey to eat it, say biologists at the University of Toronto. "How prey respond to the fear of being eaten is an important topic in ecology, and we've learned a great deal about how these responses affect predator and prey interactions," says Professor Locke Rowe, chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and co-principal investigator of a study conducted at U of T's Koffler Scientific Reserve. "As we learn more about how animals respond to stressful conditions -- whether it's the presence of predators or stresses from other natural or human-caused disruptions -- we increasingly find that stress brings a greater risk of death, presumably from things such as infections that normally wouldn't kill them," says Rowe. Shannon McCauley, a post-doctoral fellow, and EEB professo...


Image Credit Flickr User Dixie_law Image Credit Flicrk User zorankovacevic Image Credit Flickr User bycymet Image Credit Flickr User backofthenapkin Image Credit Flickr User Rich Ellison Image Credit Flickr User Chewy Chua Image Credit Flickr User paulcjones Image Credit Flickr User Pat Hawks Image Credit Flickr User TheGirlsNY Image Credit Flickr User Chewy Chua Image Credit Flickr User Aftab Image Credit Flickr User John K Image Credit Flickr User Chris Vees Image Credit Flickr User minicooper93402 Image Credit Flickr User lymang Image Credit Flickr User ken-ichi Image Credit Flickr User paulcjones Image Credit Flickr User satosphere Image Credit Flickr User Shayan Image Credit Flickr User smkybear Image Credit Flickr User ken-ichi Image Credit Flickr User paulcjones Image Credit Flickr User jerseygal Image Credit Flickr User paulcjones Image Credit Flickr User paulcjones ...

Climate Change

The journal   Nature Climate Change   has today published new research about the threat of global warming. They call   a lack of international will   the main reason that bringing global warming under control may be   slipping out of reach . In other words, we as a species cannot be really   bothered   about doing something collectively about this issue. The industrialized nations need to institute a swift cut in their emissions if we want global temperatures to remain at less than 2C higher than before we discovered oil and steam power. The target had been previously agreed at the 2009 UN conference in Denmark. However, this target now seems unlikely to be met because we simply cannot organise ourselves on a global basis. Another study in   the same journal   suggests that this threshold may well be crossed within thirty years and places the date between 2040 and 2060. That is, of course, if we haven’t bred ourselves out of existence ...