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Instead of wars, countries use rap battles. Write a battle between two enemy countries.

Obama tilted his cap to the side. Shit was about to get real. He paced back and forth, collecting his thoughts in the dimly lit ambassador's office. With a grin, he turned to face Kim Jung Un and commenced his attack.
"Gimme a beat, Biden," The vice president proceeded to give it his all. "Now listen here, you little twit, you're working on bombs but we're DONE with it. I'm the king of all freedom, lemme fill my cup, I blew away Bin Ladin while you blew your school up"
'OOOOH's and gasps could be heard amongst the cabinet. Even McCain gave a nod of approval. Kim Jung Un simply turned and removed his sunglasses, before he began.
"You think it's all that to interfere, you sittin' in your office with your people in fear. My people here love me, can't even disagree, I hit eleven holes in one with your WIFE last week!"
Obama was feeling the burn. It was coming down to the wire. Sweating, he glanced at the judges- Sarah Palin, Jang Song Thaek (Un's uncle), and Dennis Rodman. He already knew which way the former two would vote, but Rodman... Well, that was anyone's guess. The victory squad was proceeding to prepare their firearms, ready to eliminate the losing leader. With a breath, and a fistpump, Obama made his rebuttal.
"I'm the leader of diversity, the savior and guide, you couldn't even tell your people apart if you tried. Mandatory haircuts, mandatory trust, even ask Psy- United States or bust! You got people eatin' shit right outta your hand, but I got the greatest mc's right at my command. So go tell your dad, dig him out of the grave, that baby face here's got nothin' left to save!"
The crowd erupted. Obama dropped the mic, and walked away in silence, panting, sweating, but feeling victorious. He left the room, and heard a gunshot- The United States was free to rap another day.


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