A long time ago I posted the tutorial on scheduling your blog posts and here are some benefits of scheduling blog posts so you would know why it is important.
Why is it necessary for every blogger in this blogosphere?
Let's find out.
Benefits of scheduling blog posts
Benefits of scheduling blog posts
Benefits of Scheduling blog posts
You can take a break whenever you want.
You can take a break whenever you want.
This is what everyone needs from time to time, a break.
But when you have a popular blog, your brain would not let you take a break.
It would force you to work, more and more to earn more and more. It would force you to work more on blog posts i.e., produce more.
When this time comes you can do three things,
Do what your brain says and let your content and readership suffer.
Take a break, do nothing and let your mind be tensed throughout the break.
Schedule blog posts which you have written already and take a tension free break.
Take a break, do nothing and let your mind be tensed throughout the break.
Schedule blog posts which you have written already and take a tension free break.
It is clear that the third choice is the most appropriate.
Schedule your posts and forget about your blog's content production for the time being. It looks easy but in reality it is a tough task you first have to plan your posts but it is worth doing. Isn't it?
Google will not stop loving your BLOG.
Google will not stop loving your BLOG.
As you know that whenever you would post more or you would post according to a posting frequency Google's love (Traffic) would increase gradually.
And whenever you would decrease your posting frequency the reverse would happen.
The point here is that Google would give you more traffic when you would post more or would post in a regular manner.
But as you know that it is hard to post every time in situations like you happened to go to someone's wedding or got busy in some other thing.
You would be far from your blog and at this time scheduling posts would help you out.
Your reputation does not get Affected.
Your reputation does not get Affected.
By scheduling posts your visitors would get fresh content even though you might not be working on the same. Right?
Thus, your reputation would increase and as a result you will get more visitors due to your readers promoting your blog to many other bloggers.
But if you happened to ignore this you would regret in the end after losing some good regular readers.
You get more back links.
You get more back links.
Scheduling posts means more post which means more backlinks.
Well, it is a fact that more post attracts more people and more 'backlinks'.
But to avail this benefit you need to have the two important things, quality content and loyal readers.
Do you have some benefits of scheduling blog post? Well, if yes than share them below and if no, than think some and than comment.
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