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10 Hobbies You Can Take Up That Also Involve Walking

Walking is an excellent hobby within itself, full of incredible health benefits and low risk of injury. We know it’s great for us, and we know we should do it, but some people find simply walking is not interesting enough to be a full-blown hobby. Here are ten hobbies you can take up that will sneak in your daily walking regimen while keeping you engaged and interested in your health, even if you don’t realize it.


Many people these days find it to be an enjoyable hobby to forage and gather herbs, mushrooms, and fruits. Not only does this activity provide you with nourishing additions to your diet, but also it is a great way to add in some walking steps in the great outdoors. Make sure you have a good understanding for what you’re looking for so you don’t accidentally find something poisonous. There are plenty of foraging groups you can join for this purpose while you learn.

Hiking and camping

Hiking is basically a more intense version of walking, but you can combine physical activity with leisure by camping in the great outdoors. Not only will you be walking to find a great spot to set up camp and explore the surrounding area, but you will also need to walk around to find firewood and water.


Play tourist in your own city or go to new locations and explore. Most of the best sightseeing is done on foot and with plenty of places to explore in each city as well as a growing number of excellent walking tours. You may find yourself spending an entire day on your feet without even realizing it. Be careful not to overdo it. Wear comfortable shoes and don’t be afraid to take a sightseeing break at a coffee shop or park bench. When traveling, opt to get around by foot rather than renting a car or taking a taxi. Not only will this help you boost your walking quota, but it will also help you slow down and notice the small details that can only be found when going at walking pace. You may even find shops you never saw before.

Nature Photography

Nature presents a wide variety of photographical beauty, but usually you have to do some exploration to find it. Spend a day wandering in the woods, a park, or a field to capture the perfect photograph. Even if you don’t set out to cover a lot of ground, you will be surprised at how much walking a good photograph can require.


There is some walking involved in golf, but if you truly want to up your walking game within your hobby, ditch the golf cart altogether and get in some quality walking from hole to hole. Not only does this provide you with the full list of health benefits associated with walking, but it gives you time for conversation with the people you are playing without breaking concentration and it give you a chance to relax and clear your mind, especially if you just place a less than desirable hole.


Many people love to cook as a hobby, but between licking the mixing bowl and enjoying the finished product this hobby often undoes the power of a good walk rather than contributes to it. Instead, modify your favorite hobby to include more activity. Walk to the grocery store to pick up ingredients instead of driving. If you must drive, park in the back of the parking lot or even down the street. After you’ve made your delicious food, package it up and take a walk around your neighborhood to deliver small packages of it to your favorite neighbors. Not only does this increase your walking and give you bonus points with your neighbors, but it also prevents you from overeating since you are sharing your food.


There’s no reason why shopping cannot be considered a legitimate hobby, especially when considering how much walking is involved. Amp up the walking by doing a full scope with a lap around the mall or by walking up and down the street to see all of your options before you even choose your first store to visit.

Get a dog

While a dog may be considered more of a family member or a friend than a hobby, getting a dog will certainly amp up your walking game. Not only do dogs like going outside and moving around, but they actually depend on you to do it, so it’s not just your own self as motivation, it’s also the happiness and health of your dog. If you don’t want to get your own dog, consider starting a business venture and create a dog-walking service to make money, spend time with some great pets, and improve your health with increased walking.

Marching band

Similar to hiking, marching is also a form of exercise, and as it is part of a uniform performance, lots of practice is involved to get it right, which means even more walking.

Check out a museum or gallery

Often, these massive buildings are so fascinating that you won’t even realize you have put in a few miles of walking through it by the time you finish. Go ahead a grab a museum membership so you can check out new exhibits and bring guests to sneak some walking into their lives as well.

How do you incorporate walking into your hobbies and other aspects of your life? Share with us in the comments section below.


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