When you want a character to sound pretentious, nothing
beats a nice turn of French. Somehow, American writers (and readers)
associate all things French with money, pretense, and culture. It’s
quite the mix of responses, a
“love-hate” relationship with France. If you want a character
with class, or one completely without class, French is a wonderful tool.
– Words and Phrases –
affaire de coeur - love affair
au contraire - to the contrary
au fait - possessing practical knowledge of a
au revoir - until we meet again
autre temps, autres moeurs - other times, other
avec plaisir - with pleasure
bête noire - a thing especially disliked
bon jour - good day; hello
bon soir - goodnight
bourgeoisie - middle-class, materialistic
c’est-à-dire - that is to say
c’est la vie - such is life
chacun à son goût - each to his
own taste
coup de grâce - death blow
coûte que coûte - cost what it cost
dégagé - without emotional links
de trop - too much or too many
dernier ressort - last option
Dieu avec nous - God is with us
Dieu défend le droit - God defends the
en plein jour - In full daylight; openly
en rapport - in sympathy
fait accompli - accomplished fact; finished act
femme de chambre - chambermaid
fête champêtre - outdoor festival
gardez la foi - keep the faith
grand monde - world at large; refined society
honi soit qui mal y pense - evil be with him
who has evil thoughts
ici on parle français - French is spoken
jeu de mots - play on words; a pun
jeu d’esprit - play of wit
j’y suis, j’y reste - here I am,
here I stay
le roi est mort, vive le roi - The king is dead,
long live the king.
le style, c’est l’homme - the style
is the man
mise en scène - setting; environment;
the stage
mon ami - my friend; my love (friendly)
n’est ce pas? - isn’t that so?
nom de guerre - assumed name
objet d’art - object of art
peu de chose - a small matter
pièce de résistance - the primary
event; main reason; principal meal
pis aller - last resort
quand même - nevertheless; nonetheless
qui s’excuse, s’accuse - he who excuses
himself, accuses himself
raison d’état - for the good of
the country
raison d’être - reason for being
sans peur et sans reproche - without fear, without
sans souci - carefree
tant mieux, tant pis - so much the better, so
much the worse
voilà - look or see
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