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Lame Celebrity Dolls Get Incredible Makeovers Thanks To One Talented Artist

Jennifer Lawrence | Katniss Everdeen

The first doll looks like it's straight out of The Hunger LAMES. The second one kind of looks like a Jewel/J-Law combo, but is hella better than the original. 

Voldemort | Voldemort

All right so it's really Ralph Fiennes but come on, Ralph Fiennes has a nose and let's be honest, I don't think he'd mind if we called him Voldemort. Way tougher-sounding that "Ralph."

Harry Potter | Daniel Radcliffe

Harry started off looking like a female North Korean news anchor and ended up looking like everyone's favorite spectacle-wearing, owl-toting, teen Wizard.

Hermione Granger | Emma Watson

It looks like this artist started with a Kerri Russell from Felicity doll, and then just painted it to look like the real protagonist from the Harry Potter series. 

Sheldon Cooper | Jim Parsons

The original looks more like Helena Bonham Carter in the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes, and the re-do is eerily similar to the real Jim Parsons. Don't let anyone with a needle and affinity towards voodoo near this thing.

Princess Diana

He really classed her up and did an awesome job with the hair. Note: black mercedes and Dodi Fayed doll sold separately.

Twilight | Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewar

The books and the movies suck, but it doesn't mean that the dolls have to. Seriously, the original dolls are just god-awful. Kristen Stewart's doll looks more like Liv Tyler. Speaking of which..

Lord Of The Rings | Liv Tyler and Viggo Mortensen

If Middle-Earth Had cologne ads, these two improved dolls would be in them. 

Legolas | Orlando Bloom

Why is the original toy have such a smooshed face? It's like someone reverse pinched-to-zoom on his nose and everything shrunk. If I was Orlando Bloom I'd be pissed. New one looks majestic as hell, though. 

Maleficient | Angelina Jolie

The original looks like someone who walks around times square and takes pictures. The second is the genuine article. I mean, he even took the time to repaint her eyes. Insane in the membrane. You can check out the entire detailed process for Maleficient's transformation below. 


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